Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nano: Day 5 & 6

Day 5: Saturday, the Agony

time slept in til: 2 PM

insatiable movie cravings: 3

hours spent searching out said movies at Redbox and Blockbuster Express since I can't go to Blockbuster because I didn't take the job there and it's awkward now: 2

wrong addresses my GPS took me to: 2

amount of money spent on said movies after finally giving up and buying them at WalMart: $20

amount of money spent on Terrible Pizza: $20

amount of time spent angry napping: 90 minutes

number of times Tree of Life made me cry: 5

attempts to start writing at various points throughout the day: 700

number of terrible mood swings experienced: 700

number of times Addie considered moving out (for safety's sake): 7 or 8

words written: 527

Day 6: Sunday, the Glory

cups of delicious Swedish coffee consumed: 2

length of mind clearing, inspirado developing hot shower: 25 miutes

fucks given about length of shower: 0

flashes of writer's block breaking brilliance: 3

hours sat at the computer: 6

words written: 4,562

percentage of Purpose and Confidence of Self re-affirmed: 80

I'm officially caught up with my word count! Let's forget about the day of SUCK that was Saturday, and focus on how happy and productive and beautiful I feel about today. It's been glorious.

And of course, I've had my NaNoCheerleader reassuring me/begging for my attention all weekend, which has been really cute.

I think his chair is now a permanent part of my office...

aaaaaand I'm spent.

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