Wednesday, August 15, 2012

beach birthday bimbo

On Sunday night, my friend asked me if I wanted to take a spontaneous trip to VA beach to see the sunrise and spend the day in the sand. And I was like, yes, absolutely, because I haven't been to the beach in years and I've always wanted to see a sunrise over the ocean, and it was my birthday and you know, #YOLO. So I rolled up to his place at 2:30 AM and we left on our intrepid journey. And there was much merriment and day drinking and dolphin spotting and wave jumping and nap taking and awesome.

And I took about 6,000 pictures.

free towel!

more free towels, a free boogie board and free trash!

VA beach? more like Free Towel Beach

The Dark Knight Rises alternate ending: Batman washes up on the VA beach

beating up the Atlantic Ocean, a la Pete and Pete

free flip flop

Amrrrka, Fuck Yeah

American Apparel shot

yes, that is a bacon infused waffle. Yes, it was delicious.


To the rescue!

wasssup, hard slick?

Ah, nothing like getting beach wasted. I hope this bodes well for the remaining 363 days of Audrey: Year 28.


Lancey Pants said...

technically, you are in year 29... cuz during your first year alive, you hadn't had your first birthday.

this also got me thinking after seeing that AWESOME CHRISTO-WEAR - do ultra conservatives celebrate one's "concept-uversary"? ...cuz, you know, you're "officially" a person then.

i digress

Lancey Pants said...

technically, you are in year 29... cuz during your first year alive, you hadn't had your first birthday.

this also got me thinking after seeing that AWESOME CHRISTO-WEAR - do ultra conservatives celebrate one's "concept-uversary"? ...cuz, you know, you're "officially" a person then.

i digress

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