Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

When I think back on the influences that made me a big fat morbid creeper, I think fondly of Dr. Seuss.

Like every other kid in America, I grew up reading his stories. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish was the first book I remember reading on my own. The pages in my copy of The Cat in the Hat are basically worn away from all the time I spent tracing the pictures. Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now? left me ridiculously sad (I was convinced that Marvin was a kid whose dad was kicking him out. My mom made me watch too much Lifetime). I read Green Eggs and Ham so often that its spine had to be replaced with packing tape. The Sneetches was really disturbing. I read it a million times, also.

I might have even carried a Cat in the Hat back pack purse when I was in middle school. And I might have had a fan-girl-esque meltdown when I was 18 and got to hang out in Seussville at Islands of Adventure and get my picture taken with a dude dressed up in a Cat in the Hat costume.

My Seuss fandom is creepy and unrelenting, just like his stories. Even now that I'm an adult and I'm more often than not left like, uncomprehendingly depressed by some of the lines he wrote:


and obsessed with his weird illustrations:

Hooray for Dr. Seuss. May you creep out and inspire many more generations of morbid (read: awesome) little kids.

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