Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm alive! Sorta.

Hello, blog!

Remember when I used to update with a vague sense of regularity? Me too. It was nice. We were all pals. Dinner failures, MS Paint shit, writing progress, everyday anecdotes? Good times.

Now, bear with me, because this is going to get really, well, douchey, but it's actually something that's bothering me and I'm not quite sure how else to deal with it. Basically, this blog and I are growing apart, and we've been taking some time to figure out our differences and become better and stronger for one another. We've gotten past the anger, gotten past the texting each other late at night when we're drunk and lonely phase, and we're now at the "let's tell our friends we really aren't seeing each other anymore" phase.

It's only been three years since I started this blog, but I've undergone a lot of change in those three years. And there's even bigger changes on the horizon. And I just don't know if who I am now fits who I was when I launched. I can't purge this and move on, because it'd be like throwing out my baby book or a beloved scrap book, but I've been ruminating on how I'm going to proceed.

Just know, we're working on something good. And we'll always be pals.

In the meantime, here's a picture of a baby pig falling asleep while eating an ice cream cone.


To my lovely and concerned readers:
a) sweet baby piggy is not falling into a diabetic coma.
b) I'm not quitting the blog-o-sphere!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Counting Down the Days

I haven't updated in so long, guys. But I want to! I have a lot of things I want to talk about. But, real life is being a real ball-buster time thief nowadays, and I've been spending most of my time chained to my desk or vainly attempting 6 hours of sleep and in between wishing it were May already. I know you're not supposed to wish your life away, but work has dished out 10+ hour days on the reg this week. And to make things more awesome, I have one more week of grueling work days ahead of me, and I feel like I'm brewing up a good sinus infection, and all I want to do is lay in bed and eat doughnuts.

So I'm trying to keep on the bright side of things. Emphasis on trying.

Dates I'm looking forward to:


April 11: current assignment is over, and Mad Scientist Weekend

May 7: last payment on my loan and FREEDOM from all non-student loan debt

July 15-17: every baby ever will be born (seemingly)

July 15: second assignment is over

August! (the whole month will be good)

Sept 3: I see Joel again!

There's also a shit ton of birthdays and anniversaries and things thrown in there, too. The sweet things are coming. Until then, I just have to put my head down and do the work. And maybe order a million pizzas in the mean time (I mean, someone has to make sure my gym stays in business).

What are you looking forward to?
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