Thanks, Winter Storm Pax!
It started snowing on Wednesday night, and continued into Thursday morning. With almost 2 feet of accumulation, it was just enough to shut down the DC metro area on Thursday and mostly Friday. And since Monday was President's Day, I got a sweet, unexpected, 5 day weekend.
Hell. Yeah.
I stayed up all Wednesday night watching it snow and going through all of HBO OnDemand. Most of the night was in white out conditions, which always gets me glued to the window. And in the morning, there was lots of scampering with the snow cows, who basically swam through the snow piles.
Behold the face of 2 hours sleep |
Dad and the Ladies Basset go check out the stuck snow plows |
Then I wrenched my back when I shoveled out my car. So that was fun. I know now why my mom got married and had kids: so she'd always have someone to shovel out her car.
Joel and I had a great Valentines Skype Date. We joked and plotted and laughed and stayed up late and I drew him awesome pictures, like this:
did I mention I was on pain killers for my back? because I was. |
On Friday, I came home from lunch and had flowers waiting for me. Joel is melting my cold, dead, anti-Valentines Day heart. Also, my room smells like roses and cinnamon, which is unbelievably delicious and makes me want to bake rose-cinnamon cake. The only problem is, I don't think that's a thing. But I could probably make it a thing. But I think roses are poisonous?
We'll find out!
Then, Grey and Neve came over for their night at Mimi's. Grey held a photo shoot for his lego creatures, and Neve spent the better part of the evening dressing up in my closet and letting me teach her about make up (I'm sure her parents will be thrilled to have her dress like Aunt Audrey).
"I need a flashlight, a foot stool, and a camera." |
ehhhh... yeah, that was a $25 eye shadow kit. I don't care. It was hella cute. |
I did keep my tradition of drinking wine and watching horror movies on Valentine's Day. Except I watched
The Purge and it bored the hell out of me. womp womp.
I don't have pictures of Saturday, because I literally slept all day. And then I ate Egyptian food at my neighbor's house (damn, I
love Egyptian food.), before coming home and falling asleep again. It was lovely.
On Sunday, I woke up butt-early and was determined to accomplish all the productivity I wanted to have had for the last three days. So I went to Starbucks to write at 7 AM. And it was gang-busters. Well, relatively gang busters. I only wrote three and a half pages, but considering I only got through 2 paragraphs the last time I sat down to write, I'm putting this in the victory column.
Yep. I have become yuppie. |
When I got home, Grey and Neve were having a Pop Tart party. |
Grey and Neve take Pop Tarts up to their beds, stack all the pillows around them, and whisper things to each other. It's heart melting. My favorite eavesdrop moment:
Grey: Neve, we should do Pop Tart parties all the time.
Neve: Yeah, we should do them every day.
Grey: Except for the days when we have Pop Tart Super parties!
Neve: Nooooo, we can't do that til we're adults!
Um, what's a Pop Tart Super party? And why haven't I gone to one yet?
Later, I saw
Catching Fire. I was really disappointed with
Hunger Games, so I wasn't in any hurry to see the sequel. But, it was my favorite book in the series, and it was at Arlington Cinema Draft House, so I decided to hit it up. And even though they left out some good stuff (still no mention of the Avox?) it was a million times better than I thought it would be. (Proof that Hollywood reads my blog) And I got to eat loaded nachos and a brownie sundae while watching it (which might have made it better than it really was.) But it did hurt my heart to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Fly home, sweet angel baby Hoffman |
More on that, later.
And of course, Monday was spent in bed, catching up on work I was supposed to have done on Friday, and seeing
Monuments Men, which was a tame, but fun, romp through World War 2. And there was a Bill Murray crying scene, which made me cry, because Bill Murray is my spirit celebrity, and I was already having an emotional morning.
So that about sums up my lovely extended time at home. So much cable TV. So much sleep. So much eating. So much sweat pants. So much movies.
Needless to say, getting up to go to work
on time this morning, was a struggle.
Hope you all had a great weekend, too!
*Also, what? Why are we naming snow storms?